Category: Money Saving Tips

Stores that give student discounts

by Sharon Hi, If you’re a student, you probably find it hard to maintain a budget. Well, I just came across a site that can help students save money. It’s called Student Base Camp, and it locates for you all …

Teaching kids to save money

by Philippa I want to share an idea about teaching kids to save money. What my husband and I did a few months ago is to let the kids participate in out efforts to save money by doing the tedious…

Save money groceries at Kmart with 20% discount for unemployed

by Debra (NY) If you’re unemployed, you can now save money groceries at Kmart. Not many are familiar with Kmart’s Smart Assist program, which offers you an additional 20% discount on 1,500 grocery & drug products for up to six…

Save on electric bills with window insulation kit

by Cynthia A window insulation kit can lower your electric bill in winter. It is a great substitute to double glazing. Initially, I wanted to install double glazing to lower my heating costs, but my land lord didn’t agree to …

Save money on utility bills by turning off A/C?

by Rick (Tx) Hello, I live by myself in a rather big house – 2,700 square foot. I’m at my house only for sleep, plus awake about 3 hours out of the day. Aiming to save money on utility bills,…

Reduce electricity costs with drain-water heat recovery system?

by Dan Hi, Does anyone know how much money I can save on water heating with drain water heat recovery system? Is it’s worth the trouble of installing? Thanks, Dan Re: Drain-Water Heat Recovery by: Tracy Hi Dan, Thank you …

Restaurants & Dining Out – Saving Money Tips

by Ben is a great site that’s worth checking into and keeping tabs on – I’ve purchased several 50% discount coupons there, and actually paid less than 10% of the covered price because it frequently has sales on its…

Online grocery saving tips

by Bruce (Toronto) GrocerySavings ( is a great site that can easily help you save a lot of money on grocery shopping. They let you create a printable grocery shopping list, compare prices and take control over your grocery expenditures.…

Cheaper utility bill with A/C energy saver mode?

by Owen What is the energy saver mode all the new A/C has? Ho does it work and how should I use it to lower my utility bills? I’ve read that it turns the fan off when the compressor isn’t…